So, you've just bought a hot tub? Or perhaps you've moved into a house that's already got a hot tub and you've got no idea what to do with it? Don't worry. At H2O, we've created this simple but comprehensive guide to hot tub ownership to help you on your way. We consider this to be essential reading for any new hot tub owner. Let's begin...

Getting to know your hot tub

Just like looking after a swimming pool, a hot tub is just a smaller amount of water, although it requires the same three main considerations: circulation, cleaning and chemistry. Master them, and you'll be a pro hot tub owner in no time.

1. Circulation Of Your Hot Tub

Many hot tubs, such as H2O hot tubs, will come with a built-in schedule for how often it circulates water when you're not using it. When the circulation cycle runs, it will move the water around the system for around 15-20 minutes through a filter. It's important that your hot tub runs at least once a day, if not twice.

The more your hot tub circulates, the cleaner it will be. Twice a day should be sufficient for clean and healthy water without impacting your electricity bill.

2. Cleaning Your Hot Tub

This is vital. An extremely important part of hot tub care is keeping it clean. There's a couple of things to ensure are always clean: the shell and the filter. We've written a number of guides, first of which is How To Clean Your Hot Tub.

First of all, you have to drain and clean your hot tub thoroughly every 3 months or so. If you use it daily, then probably every 2 months at the least. You wouldn't leave the same water in your bath all year? Disgusting, right? It's the same with your hot tub. When the hot tub is full of water, you should keep the water line and the seats clear of scum. Make sure that you clean the inside of your hot tub often, draining and refilling every 3 months or so. Read more about How To Clean The Inside Shell Of A Hot Tub.

You should also keep your filter clean and ideally have two, swapping them every month and cleaning the one that comes out. Rinse, spray and soak. This will keep your filter working effectively. For more reading, here's our 3 Essential Tips For Hot Tub Cleaning.

3. Hot Tub Chemistry

Now you know a bit more about keeping your hot tub clean, this will make dealing with the water chemistry simpler. This water chemistry can be difficult because we're dealing with a far smaller amount of water than a swimming pool. They do however require the same chemicals, which are: pH, Akalinity and a sanitizer (chlorine, usually). This requires a seperate post, which is our Ultimate Guide To Hot Tub Water Chemistry.



Ultimately, hot tub ownership isn't tricky. Master the basics and you'll have no problems at all. We want all our customer to enjoy owning their hot tub, and we provide 24/7 technical support for anybody that is having difficulty or requires advice. Check out our blog regularly for updates. 

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