Loving Your Hot Tub?
We need your feedback
We hope you're loving your new hot tub and that you've had a fantastic experience.
Customers read reviews about our business before choosing to buy from us. Maybe you did the same? If you've had a great experience, they'd love to hear about it.
Please take 30 seconds of your day to write a review of your experience. It really, really means a lot to us.
Feel free to mention anybody in our team that stood out - from the sales office to the installation team.
How do I leave a review?
Leave a review on TrustpilotTrustPilot - you have to create a free account but it only takes a moment.
What if I had a bad experience?
Customer complaints are very rare, but we take them seriously.
If you've had a bad experience we want to know right away so we can rectify it and learn.
Please let us know by emailing us.