Something that often comes up when our team are chatting to friends and family about hot tubs is… why should I get one? Our responses are always pretty much the same, so it made sense to write about our thoughts here.

Obviously, the first reason you’d get a spa for your garden is because you want one, for whatever reason that may be. It could be for socialising, for therapeutic health benefits, or to boost the value of your home. You'll have lots of questions, like how much hot tubs cost or if a hot tub is expensive to run - and we can help answer all of those. Let’s delve into some of these areas, with our top 5 reasons to get a spa.

People socialing in a hot tub

1. Socialising

One of the main reasons that our customers purchase a hot tub for their garden is because they want to do more socialising. A common statement we hear is that they want to drag the kids away from the tablets, TVs, video games and all the other electrical distractions of modern life that stop us taking the time to actually interact with other people.

Be it with family or friends, owning a hot tub is a fantastic way to spend more time with the people that you love and care about the most. Organising once a week to get friends round for a bit of a spa party (spa-rty?) is always a great way to reconnect with people.

Get some wine or cocktails ready, dive in and have a good chat with a drink whilst enjoying the bubbles. Of course, if your spa has built in wireless audio, you can have the tunes in the background to set the atmosphere.

Man relaxing in hot tub

2. Health & Wellbeing

Another regular reason for customers purchasing one of our spas is for the health benefits. A 20 minute soak in a hot tub is medically proven to improve circulation, ease sore muscles, help you sleep better and even improve your sex life!

On numerous occasions we’ve had customers that suffer from arthritis and regular sore joints and muscles tell us that a quick dip in their spa every evening results in a lot less pain and a much better nights sleep.

To explore further, read more on the health benefits of a hot tub.

hot tub in a garden

3. Improve your home's value

Most customers want a spa for the socialising and fun aspect, but many want to improve the appearance of their garden and the value of their property prior to selling. Indeed, we’ve had a number of home builders and property developers purchase hot tubs for their properties to make them more attractive and valuable. Some have been able to ask for £10,000 more for their property just by adding a £4000 hot tub!

We spoke to a local property expert who told us: “More and more of our homebuyers mention that they’re looking for a hot tub, or would be more inclined to pay the asking price if a hot tub is part of the property. They see it as a fantastic luxury extra that makes the outside space even more attractive.”

hot tub exercise

4. Workout Recovery

Marathon runners, footballers and other top sportsmen all use hydrotherapy as a way of improving their recovery times. So if you’re a gym buff or simply love a run and like to keep fit, purchasing a hot tub can have some real value to your workout routine.

After exercising, grab a quick shower to wash away the sweat and then jump into a spa for 10-15 minutes and you’ll really feel the benefits. Your circulation will be much better, your body temperature will stay higher which increases your metabolism and your aching muscles and joints will soon be back to normal ready for the next session.

hot tub in a garden

5. Enhance your garden

Adding a beautiful luxurious oasis of relaxation in the form of a hot tub is a great way to really make your garden stand out. We’ve seen all sorts of examples of customers who’s been redesigning their garden and have created a special chill out area for their spa, with seating, a BBQ, even a bar!

Options for a base include poured concrete, paving slabs or decking. Some customers however prefer to create their little slice of heaven and want more privacy, which is where beautiful cabins and pergolas can really be beneficial, and they don’t have to cost the earth. You can then add some extra mood lighting, or even a TV!

What next?

We hope that this article has given you some good food for thought about various reasons why you may want to purchase a hot tub, even if you just want to share it with your other half to convince them that it’s a good idea.

After that first soak, you’ll wish you’d got one sooner!

For any enquiries, please give us a call or you can download our brochure here, which will give you a £150 voucher to redeem against any of our models.

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